Healthy Trick or Treat Recipes, Diana's Wellingborough

Trick-or-treat recipes with a twist

Around this time every year, when the grocery aisles are fully stocked with goodies, a dilemma arises: Do you stock up on sugar laden treats for the local trick-or-treaters? Or do you wear your dietician hat and look for healthier alternatives that won …

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Gym Myths, Diana's, Wellingborough

The truth about well-known gym myths

Are you smashing it at the gym but not seeing any results? The chances are that you’ve fallen victim to bad advice. But don’t worry, it’s so easy to do now a days. New research is overturning long believed tips about the best ways to work out. No panic …

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The powers of yoga, diana's, wellingborough

The powers of yoga

It is often said that yoga has healing powers. Our expert trainers know for a fact that downwards dog could be the key to better muscle strength, better health and even a better night’s sleep. Yoga has been getting countless celebrities hitting their m …

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HIIT at Diana's, Wellingborough

Get fit with HIIT

So, what is it? HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and it is ideal for anyone pushed for time, hence the words ‘high intensity’. 20 – 30 minutes of training can be equal to a whole hour’s moderate workout, which means that you don’t need …

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Take your fitness on holiday with you; Diana's, Wellingborough

Take your fitness on holiday with you

Let’s be honest, we spend the majority of the year counting down until the summer so we can go on holiday somewhere hot! We want to look our best in our swimsuits, come back with a cracking tan and just sit back and relax! To get our beach body confide …

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Getting kids interested in being active & Healthy with Diana's, Wellingborough

Getting kids interested in being active & healthy

It’s the time old question: how do we keep children entertained? Between weekends and school holidays, children have plenty of free time to use up all that pent-up energy youth provides them with but too often we find them slumped in front of games con …

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Summer fitness has more than one shape; Diana's, Wellingborough

Summer fitness has more than one shape

With all the hype surrounding Protein World’s summer body campaign, at Diana’s we think it’s important to emphasise that getting in shape for summer is not about being the skinniest or the most muscly – it’s about being healthy and happy in your body! …

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Give your diet a spring clean with superfoods; Diana's, Wellingborough

Give your diet a spring clean with superfoods

Have you recovered from your chocolate Easter egg induced coma yet? At Diana’s we love our food as much as anyone in Wellingborough, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the tastiest foods can also be the healthiest! Have you heard the buzzwo …

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Tips for relaxation

Breathe-in, breathe-out: tips for top relaxation

So now we understand that stress is a natural process our body undergoes and that in small doses it can actually be beneficial to our health, we’re firmly in the driving seat to control how our bodies react to stressful situations using the power of br …

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stop stress, breathe, yoga, diana's wellingborough

Stop stressing over stress & start breathing

Picture the scene: Its 4pm and you haven’t quite finished your report with a fast approaching deadline of 9am.  You end up rushing through traffic to pick your children up from school but still end up five minutes late and have forgotten the kids’ afte …

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Body MOT at Diana's Health & Fitness, Wellingborough

Give your body an MOT

Let us help you restore your fitness after the festive merriment with our group exercise classes. We’ve also got all the information you need as a beginner or a veteran to help you stick to your New Year fitness resolutions. Make 2015 your fitness year …

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Group Exercise motivation at Diana's, Wellingborough

Let our group exercise family be your motivation

I have been a group exercise instructor for many, many years and find it very rewarding. I love teaching a variety of people and seeing the rewards they can achieve. When first joining a gym to improve fitness and lose weight, it can be a very daunting …

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